User testing helps you ensure that you're building your product in the right way before you go and actually do it, thus de-risking your work and avoiding wasted effort.
Ep 18 - Discovery interviews (User research essentials for anyone #2)
Discovery interviews are a universally useful, flexible, and simple method to understand entire user journeys, build personas, and ground all work that follows.
EP 15 - Startup #2: Identifying Opportunities
Too many great projects get stuck at the idea phase - either struggling to focus on one or going with what will turn out to be one that's less than ideal. In this short episode, I share one simple technique that will help you find out where innovation can make a real difference.
Ep 3 - Define opportunities with magic
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. - Let's turn Clarke's third law around and use magic to create a simplified view of a process and identify the right opportunities to focus on.